
Selasa, 23 Juni 2009

my 23 hopes


hai hai hai kawan-kawan, mungkin sbagian dari kalian pada udah ada yang liburan ya, hehe, watashi no gakusei eh salah *sekolah apa sih bahasa jepangnya aku lupa wkwkw. yah intinya sekolahku belum liburlah, aku aja masih ngurusin class meeting. yang bseok hari rabu ini bakal ada dodge ball sama bombastic sing apa song ya, wkwkw. yah gitu deh, MENDADAK lagi. tak ada kata tidak mendadak untuk sekolah tercinta BMD @_@

naaah ntar lagi kan libur nih, aku ga ada acara jalan2 kemana-mana sama keluarga, soalnya juli ada nikahan sepupu, dan aku bertugas disitu. yah tanggungan nilai sudah hab
is, her sudah dikerjain, dan tinggal nunggu rapot dan nunggu dinasehatin saja HWAHAHAHAHHA. yah sama ngatur2 SC buat class meeting. probabilitasku dapet 9 di rapot kayaknya ga ampe 25% HAHAHA. ah mbohlah ngelantur aku.

libur ini aku rencananya pengen :

1. belajar buat ujian royal yang teori musik grade 5 arrrrghhhhh
2. ngafal glossary musik yang ampe sekarang jadi ingatan jangka pendek, habis ngafal besoknya lupa x_X
3. belajar buat konser staccato, nyaaah i have to perform much more better than before!!!
4. latihan lagu ujian royal, SCALES diafal nyeng geblek, wkwkwk
5. aural pianonya dilatih lagi, huhuuu..
6. bayar PUASA dong dong! entar lagi bulan puasa
8. beres-beres kamar dan buku
9. buku kelas 2 dan kelas 1 sma dibenahin biar gampang buat belajar nanti
10. cari SKHUN SMP, cari IJAZAH dan semua yang berbau persyaratan UN
11. donlod lagu top 100 classic songs nyahahaha
12. oh iya dah lama ga kontrol gigi ^_^
13. i think i need new socks and shoes bleeeh hahhahah
14. new books to read, or just to collect hahahha
15. watch MOVIES ; transformers 2, UP, harry potter *eh kapan sih kluarnya?
16. beresin rumah griya

17. cari KUCING pengganti kitty dan pussy yang hilang entah kemana.. *i miss you my dear cats.. now the
cursen rats are coming again i need killler cat! don`t have to be killer actually, a fierce cat is enough to scared them
18. perbanyak dzikir dan doa sariiii kapan kamu mati kan ga tau
19. refleksi diri sama nilaimu
20. I WANT CLARINET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BUT I HAVE NO MONEY bhuuuu...

22. oh iya i intend to be able to drive manual car this vacation nyahahha, *jgegek mesin mati salah kopling xD
23. lillahita`ala.. semoga liburan saya isi dengan persiapan dan benah diri buat hadapin KELAS 3. ARGH. SAYA MASIH MAU JADI ANAK KELAS 2 SMA. huhu

i still confused about my track for university.. i really love music, and i want to enter ISI, but in the other hand, i also love biology and i have choosen science class before
.. and if i enter ISI my study on high school doesn`t really used and it`s a pity.. butt.. if i choose medical, then ..
actually if i be ISI student i can :

1. work and study = maybe i could work as a private teacher, i could earn money from my knowledge and ablities in the same time i also study music in ISI.

2. orchestra = i really love orchestra.. i want to be part of it, it was my hope since i was on elementary and when i was still learning violin. if i`m not on ISI then maybe i won`t join orchestra, but altough UGM has their own orchestra, but.. i still prefer that i could be the part of ISI`s orchestra.


if i enter ISI, i can`t study medical, but if i study medical i still can study music. the choice is much more better if i choose medical, cause i still can learn both s
ubject. but i`m scared if.. i ignore my willingness to learn music that it actually might be the best choise for me, myself.
but many people told me that, there are many people who study
"formal" in university but they still be able to play music. but i still feel something missing. altough if maybe i could enter UGM medical faculty and i still can continue studying music, but still i imagine that there`s something missing.

i don`t know, this POSTINGAN IS KAGAK JELAS. haha
i just want to spill out my thougt that spinning on my brain for this few weeks. wkwkwkw.
i also had hope that i can be one of orchestra player, i play violin or maybe clarinet or maybe piano and sing my favorite classic song, wearing orchestra player suit, being wat
hced by many people, seeing the conductor who had bright eyes and passion to conduct the song, feeling the pride of being a musician, feel the spectators are gaving big applause until they raise from their chair, i can make people happy or entertain with my song, whooo so many things that i hope if i be a musician,

but i also had hopes for my job if i be a doctor,
i want to feel the knowledge, being a knowledgeable people is really fun, i mean, i study in high school about chemistry,physics, and biology i felt that i have study some secret of the earth and the people, it is also exciting. i know why i became starving, because my body
was bla bla bla, i know why the particles are doing collision, why our blood is always on pH 7,4. and much more! it is really fun, it was like open the curtain of nature.

both of it is really fun to do, and had an advantages for the people, and ourselves too. hohoho this posting is a little bit unrelated one to each paragraph hahaha.
hmmmm ... i hope that i can choose the best choise for me my future, and my family too. i don`t want to weight my family too because of choosing the best for me. but maybe some people have to weight their family too for their own good. hehe maybe you didn`t understand what i mean. xD HMMMM sampai disini postingannyaaah, sudah setengah 12.. saya pingin baca dongeng bobo, dadaaaaaah

mlekum, eh salah wassalam :)
hweeeh pantes krik krik, taunya dah pada tidur to.. huuuuuuuuuuu

8 komentar:

ronamentari mengatakan...

awawawa.. banyak juga yg hrs ak kerjain d liburan ini. pokoknya gag boleh sia2!, Kren2 harapan2ny, btw bnyak yg tentang royal. Apa to itu :D, wkaka

EAS mengatakan...

hwahahaha rona pembaca setiaku hix hix HALAH *ma`sut nya terharu
hahah. royal itu ujian musik dr inggris xD

Anonim mengatakan...

keep up the good work!!!
it really is nice to see you wrote all things you want in an almost complete way ;) it will help you reach it ....
i do hope you can do all things you want to do on your holiday ;)
be happy

EAS mengatakan...

hehhee btw, thankyou :D
yes i hope it`ll help to reach my hopes :D

SiLent-kid mengatakan...

Bejibun gitu daftarnya...

udh lah...
yg penting konsisten ngelakuin smuanya....



EAS mengatakan...

wakakkak jaisy, itu juga aku kayaknya baru beberapa aja yg dilakuin slama liburan dari bejibun daftar. soalnya liburan ini malah sakit. wkwkw

Anonim mengatakan...

waa... kamu menginspirasiku tuk ngepost hal yang sama.. hmm..

EAS mengatakan...

hweheehe ayoo deaa tuliss :D